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Check Out These Techno Solutions to Help You Reach Your Goals!
Staying motivated is very important when you’re trying to stick to an exercise schedule. But it can also be one of the hardest things to maintain!
Setting long-term goals to work towards is a great start. For instance, maybe you want to run a 5k in three months. Maybe you’re planning to run a half marathon or longer by the end of the year!
There is just one problem.
Future goals don’t always force us out of bed when the alarm goes off at 5 am. This is why it’s great to have outside motivation to get you going when the going just seems too hard.
With our non-stop use of cellphones, apps, and social media, finding motivation is always right at your fingertips.
Make Reminders on Your Phone
Since we already use our phones for everything, it makes perfect sense to use it to help keep your workouts on track.
> Set an alarm to remind you it’s time to get out there.
> Use the timer for HIIT workouts. Your all-out springs will feel more achievable if you can watch the time click away on your timer.
> Watch the notifications from your favorite fitness apps. They can encourage you to start your workout, remind you to drink your water or take those vitamins that are so easy to forget… Keep reading to see some of our favorite fitness apps.
Apps for Motivation…and Incentives
DietBet lets you put your money where your mouth is. Bet that you can lose 4% of your weight and then win cash prizes!
There are a lot of apps you can download to help you with your fitness that offer a wide variety of features. Here are some examples; use any or all of them to push you for your daily miles.
> Couch to 5k – This app sets up your daily training to prepare you for your 5k (remember that goal you set!). The training is only 30 minutes a day, three days a week, for nine weeks. This makes it easy to count down to the finish. Your distance and pace are tracked in easy-to-read graphs so you can see yourself getting better!
> Map My Run – Running the same route everyday can get boring, and nothing kills your motivation faster than boredom. Map My Run keeps your workouts fresh and fun every day. Just put in your zip code and the distance you want to cover and it will give you a choice of routes in your area.
> DietBet – We all like winning things, especially if it’s a few extra dollars in our pocket. DietBet starts with you betting on yourself to lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. Your bet goes in the pot with the other participants. Those that reach their goal, split the pot at the end of the four weeks. There are other bet options to choose from as you reach your goals.
Use Social Media to Compare Progress with Friends
We use social media to share about our jobs, or friends and our pets…why not our fitness? Social media gives us the opportunity to set goals and work with others to reach them.
> My Fitness Pal – This app has a ton of features, including a step counter and a recipe database for healthy eating. But it’s a great place to connect with other people that are striving toward their goals, just like you. You can “friend” people and keep them posted on your workouts, your progress, and see how they’re doing at the same time. It’s like having endless accountability partners no matter where you are!
Join an Online Group
There are an endless number of groups online that focus on fitness, which means there is at least one that is perfect for you. You can think of these large forums, including Facebook and Instagram , as your support group that never sleeps!
If you don’t like feeling lost in the mix, look for a smaller group that may give you a more close-knit community to rely on.
They can be your sounding board when you’re feeling discouraged and your cheering section when you’re killing it! Either way, you’re guaranteed to find others that feel exactly the same way you do.
Wearable Fitness Trackers
When your accessories can count your steps, measure calorie loss and track your miles – what’s not to love?
Wearable fitness trackers make it so easy to keep yourself on track throughout the day. There are many brands out there to choose from based on what you need. FitBit even offers models in a variety of price points so you don’t have to break the bank to make sure you hit your 10,000 steps every day.
Video Chat Workouts with a Friend
Bowflex BXT 216 treadmill – Read our full review here.
While it can be nice to get out for a run, zone out and clear your head, sometimes you need someone else there to keep you moving. Thanks to options like Facetime, Skype and Echo Show, you can have a friend there with you, even if they’re across the country
Another fun option is to do a virtual run with people from around the world. BoxFlex treadmills, like the Bowflex BXT 216, have the RunSocial program that allows you to go on a running adventure anytime you want! This program features virtual routes in locations like Australia and Cambodia.
Plus, the avatar you create can go for virtual runs with other RunSocial participants. Imagine a quick run through Cambodia with your friend in Phoenix…without ever leaving the house!
Create a Playlist with Upbeat Music
Having a playlist that gets you pumped can make a huge difference in getting your workout started. See our recent post to find out how you can use music to get the most of your workout from start to finish.
Virtual Trainers
iFit Coach is a great virtual trainer right on your treadmill!
Treadmills are a great way to take advantage of fitness technology. Some new models of treadmills make it possible for you to have a personal trainer right there in your living room.
iFit works with your treadmill’s built-in screen to provide training programs led by world-class trainers that work hard to keep you working hard.
You can also access street views of running routes all over the globe making every run fun and different. Plus, all of your results and progress sync with your iFit app so you can see your hard work paying off. iFit is available on these NordicTrack and ProForm treadmills.
BowFlex provides a library of workouts with tips from BowFlex Fitness advisors. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll be sure to get top notch training while you do.
Some days, you just have a hard time motivating. It happens to the best of us, no matter your level of dedication. When those days strike, don’t give up, don’t hit the snooze button!
Remember that there are a lot of ways, and a lot of other people, out there ready to get you one day closer to your goal.